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  • rachelw930

Observatory Park Pt.2

As per request I have once again visited Observatory Park owned by the University of Denver. I bring with this post an excited updated about the observatory itself. The observatory has sat in the park abandoned for many years. However a group of students have started a petition to bring back and restore this beautiful observatory. It would give students an opportunity to explore and learn astronomy again, which is something I have not seen here at DU.

I wanted to highlight something I didn't get to last time. Observatory park has a community lead garden that the neighborhood takes care of. At the end of the season the garden is harvested and given to local food pantries and soup kitchens. It's a great way to support the community and less fortunate.

(Agaricus Xanthodermus)

(Coprinus comatus)

Lots of mushrooms still out in full force at the park. The top one is one I saw last time, the Yellow Stainer species which is native to the Rocky Mountain region. The second photo is the Edible Common Inky Cap. It is native to the whole of North America and is in fact edible. (I don't take responsibility for anything you consume. Don't consume any type of plant if you're unsure of what it is.)

Overall coming back to the park was a very calming experience. The park is such a great resource for students to just sit and get some fresh air. Going back and seeing the changes to the trees and other plants as they change colors for fall is always fun for me. Overall I'm very glad I went back and cleared my mind in the fresh air and grass of the park.

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