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  • rachelw930

Observatory Park Pt.3

Over the weekend a friend and I went back to Observatory Park. Now I know so many of you are wondering 'Rachel why do you keep going to the same place over and over again?'. Great question! When doing our site journals and exploring parts of the Colorado area, we look to see the patterns in which nature changes and stays the same. So let's dive into how Observatory Park has changed since I first visited.

For starters, it's Fall! Autumn leaves are absolutely everywhere at this time of the year. It's stunning. The air is nice and crisp here, with a good average of about 60 degrees. If you've never been to the mountains in the Fall I would highly encourage it. It is extremely peaceful and beautiful. One of my favorite things is how cool it gets here but never like a damp cold. Thats something that's extremely different from Chicago, which is where I grew up. The mountains don't have humidity here which is super nice. On top of that I happen to live in one of the sunniest places in America, very different than the midwest in the Winter.

I wanted to give an update on the reopening of the observatory here in the park. As far as I've heard the petition to reopen it is now in the hands of school administration and is under going review and evaluation. That's the last I've heard of it, but if the observatory reopens I know of several students here who hope to make and an astronomy club and hopefully a couple classes related to astronomy with a more hands on experience.

Sadly the snow didn't stick around long enough for me to get pictures of it but the trees have mostly all dropped their leaves on the ground. My friend and I spent a lot of time just walking around and hearing them crunch under our feet. Again I stress the fact that having a place to go out and connect with nature is a huge factor in keeping stress levels down and is a great way to go get exercise. With my fall quarter coming to an end this will be one of my last sight journals, but I still encourage those who read this blog to go find a place near you where you can visit at least once a week and take time to appreciate nature and the world around you. Take time and slow down, enjoy life and express gratitude for the planet you live on.

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